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Maximize Your Rewards with Our Unmatched Compensation Plan That Pays Out
Up to 95% of Billing

Proven, time-tested success tracks to grow and learn based on your needs, wants, and desires

ProAdvisorCoach has an abundant and deserving compensation model that pays out up to 95% of all collected income. We have spent over two decades building, modifying, and establishing the most sophisticated, easy, and giving compensation model within the industry.

Direct, Joint Work, Passive Income, Build a Team

As part of the ProAdvisorCoach family, you have the opportunity to earn income in many different ways, including direct advising, consulting & coaching from leads, sales and or delivery, bonuses, joint work, building a team, mentoring and leading a team, profit sharing for being on the team, profit sharing for the leadership team, profit sharing for board of directors role, profit/equity sharing as a partner and profit/equity sharing as an owner.

Direct advising, consulting & coaching is the traditional way that most advisors, consultants & coaches earn income. ProAdvisorCoach pays out up to 80% of all income through a combination of lead, sales, delivery, and bonus levels. As part of the ProAdvisorCoach family, the leads, sales, and delivery can be easily set up as an individual direct contributor or any combination of joint work opportunities to have a bigger impact with more time, money, and fun.


Case Study:

1. You start running the COACH Huddles from day one to build the Connection and Rapport (weekly)
I will still be on the COACH Huddles to listen in and back you up until you/we feel like it’s time for me to roll off.
2. I will keep coaching Jessica for now with you on the sessions (every other week – 30 – 45 minutes)
As soon as you are ready to work with Jessica directly and take over completely, I will phase out.
Then I would think about bringing in Bobby (after he completes PreContract) to listen in as he shadows you and even start having Bobby run the COACH Huddles with you shadowing him (reverse shadowing)
Then perhaps Bobby runs the huddles, and you keep working with Jessica?
Suggested Splits:
  1. You run huddles, and I listen in to hand them off properly. I will run calls with Jessica and have you listen in. Delivery: Rich 15% / Josh 10%
  2. Once you take over running the COACH Huddles completely, then I will roll off COACH Huddles.  Delivery: Rich 10% / Josh 15%
  3. Once I roll off the time with Jessica, you work with her directly.  Delivery: Rich 0% / Josh 25%
  4. Coach Bobby will shadow you during coach huddles/time with Jessica. Delivery: Josh: 25% / Bobby 0%
  5. Bobby starts running COACH huddles to reverse shadowing from you. Delivery: Josh 20% / Bobby 5%
  6. You keep working with Jessica, with Bobby shadowing you.
  7. Once/if Bobby can completely take over the COACH Huddles.  Josh: 15% Delivery / Bobby: 10%
  8. You keep going with the onsite prep and leading for additional WOW.  Recommend 2 – 3x annually.
  9. Then, continue to WOW with clear ROI and move toward the entire organization at $7,500 to $10,000 monthly.

Must WOW first. We may need to lean in a bit more, at least initially, to build trust, respect, and ROI and fully establish the cadence and momentum.

increase by 12 each month
increase by 60,000 each month
increase by 3 a month

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