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ProAdvisorDrivers for Coaches:
The Ultimate Platform for Client Success

We leverage our decades of advising, consulting & coaching experience and best-in-class tools to create ProAdvisorDrivers—a powerful co-creation delivery platform that maximizes your

Empower Your Coaching Journey with ProAdvisorDrivers

As a ProAdvisorCoach, you’ll be supported by the power of ProAdvisorDrivers—the ultimate tool for coaching success. This robust coaching platform takes decades of experience from some of the top coaches in the country and puts it at the fingertips of all our coaches.

Our cutting-edge programs, methods, technologies, and expertise are masterfully integrated to increase self-awareness, gain outcome clarity, and leverage momentum to create perpetual success in the lives of our clients. Our advising, consulting, and coaching methodologies are proven to produce tangible results, whether it’s personal development, growing a thriving business, or both.

V-MAP™ (Virtual Momentum Action Plan)

A one-page digital business plan that includes Vision, Mission, Values, KPIs/Lag Indicators, Strategies, Projects, and Critical Activities/Lead Indicators

Coach Path

The AAA approach fosters a successful long-term client-coach partnership through a structured process that builds momentum and lasting success.

See All Dials

Instantly delve into any of your health data at any time.

Call Maximizer

Designed to maximize client success and track assignments, notes, journal entries, key questions, and progress points along the coach/client journey

Coach Path Checklist

Provides a step-by-step guide to keep you on track to reach your desired outcomes.

Avatar Detail by Player

See what fuels your Avatar health, giving you complete visibility to understand the final harvest of results.

Thinking Overview Graph

Your Perspective of the World and Yourself
We are all constantly in communication and dialogue with ourselves and others around us. The External World shows how much clarity and attention “bias” we have in the three primary external dimensions of Relator, Doer, and Thinker.
How much clarity do we have in understanding others, and do we trust, enable, discount, or distrust others?
How much clarity do we have in understanding others, and do we trust, enable, discount, or distrust others?
Practical Thinking
How much clarity do we have to see all the options and the ways things could be done, and do we value taking action or lean toward being more cautious? The larger the clarity, the more options and possibilities we can see.
How much clarity do we have to see all the options and the ways things could be done, and do we value taking action or lean toward being more cautious? The larger the clarity, the more options and possibilities we can see.
Structured Thinking
How well do we see structured thinking like rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and financials, and do we prefer everything to be perfect as it “should be,” or do we prefer to disregard the structure, rules, and processes?
How well do we see structured thinking like rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and financials, and do we prefer everything to be perfect as it “should be,” or do we prefer to disregard the structure, rules, and processes?
Who Am I
My Being
The relator, also called intrinsic value in traditional psychology, refers to the value of self and others. “Who am I?”
What I’m
Doing Now
The Doer, also called extrinsic value in traditional psychology, refers to the value of what could be as in what are all the potential comparative options. “What could be?”
The Way It
Should Be
The Thinker, also called systemic value in traditional psychology, refers to defined parameters of thinking. “What should be?”
We are all constantly in communication and dialogue with ourselves and others around us. The Internal World shows how much clarity and attention “bias” we have in the three primary internal dimensions of Self Empathy, Role Awareness, and Self Direction.
Self Empathy
How much clarity do we have in understanding ourselves, and do we value or discount our feelings, emotions, and self-worth?
Role Awareness
How well do we understand our roles for ourselves and are we maximizing our full potential or not reaching our full potential?
Bias is the over or under-attentiveness within dimensions of thinking. A positive Bias of +10 indicates a high value or attention within that dimension while a lower Bias of -10 indicates a lower value or attention within that dimension. A Bias in the middle range of -2 to +2 indicates a balance Bias within that dimension of thinking.
Self Direction
How much clarity do we have in understanding our overall direction for self, and are we committed to this direction like a line in the cement, or are we more like a line in the sand or a leaf in the wind being very open to the commitment to our direction?
Clarity Scale
Precise, Extremely Clear, Ease to Use.
Clear, Accurate, Ease to Use, A Source of Strength.
Very Good:
A little fuzzy, Some time to required to others’ views.
Hard to see others’ views, Lacking Precision.
Very foggy, Very difficult to get clear ideas or use this thinking.
Blind, you cannot see with this thinking at this point.
Clarity ranges from an Outstanding large blue circle to an Unclear small brown circle. The larger the circle, the more clarity we have in being able to see and understand the entire scope and view within that dimension of thinking. The smaller the circle, the less clarity we have to see and understand within that dimension of thinking. The larger the clarity is much like a wide-angle telephoto lens with clarity, and the smaller the circle, the more narrow and blurry the view within that dimension.

Thinking Overview Graph

Your Perspective of the World and Yourself
Clarity ranges from an Outstanding large blue circle to an Unclear small brown circle. The larger the circle, the more clarity we have in being able to see and understand the entire scope and view within that dimension of thinking. The smaller the circle, the less clarity we have to see and understand within that dimension of thinking. The larger the clarity is much like a wide-angle telephoto lens with clarity, and the smaller the circle, the more narrow and blurry the view within that dimension.
External World
How much clarity do we have in understanding others, and do we trust, enable, discount, or distrust others?
How much clarity do we have in understanding others, and do we trust, enable, discount, or distrust others?
Who Am I My Being
How much clarity do we have in understanding ourselves, and do we value or discount our feelings, emotions, and self-worth?
How much clarity do we have to see all the options and the ways things could be done, and do we value taking action or lean toward being more cautious? The larger the clarity, the more options and possibilities we can see.
How much clarity do we have to see all the options and the ways things could be done, and do we value taking action or lean toward being more cautious? The larger the clarity, the more options and possibilities we can see.
What I’m Doing Now
How well do we understand our roles for ourselves and are we maximizing our full potential or not reaching our full potential?
How well do we see structured thinking like rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and financials, and do we prefer everything to be perfect as it “should be,” or do we prefer to disregard the structure, rules, and processes?
How well do we see structured thinking like rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and financials, and do we prefer everything to be perfect as it “should be,” or do we prefer to disregard the structure, rules, and processes?
How well do we see structured thinking like rules, regulations, policies, procedures, and financials, and do we prefer everything to be perfect as it “should be,” or do we prefer to disregard the structure, rules, and processes?
The Way It Should Be
Bias is the over or under-attentiveness within dimensions of thinking. A positive Bias of +10 indicates a high value or attention within that dimension while a lower Bias of -10 indicates a lower value or attention within that dimension. A Bias in the middle range of -2 to +2 indicates a balance Bias within that dimension of thinking.
Internal World
Clarity Scale
Clarity ranges from an Outstanding large blue circle to an Unclear small brown circle. The larger the circle, the more clarity we have in being able to see and understand the entire scope and view within that dimension of thinking. The smaller the circle, the less clarity we have to see and understand within that dimension of thinking. The larger the clarity is much like a wide-angle telephoto lens with clarity, and the smaller the circle, the more narrow and blurry the view within that dimension.
Precise, Extremely Clear, Ease to Use.
Clear, Accurate, Ease to Use, A Source of Strength.
Very Good:
A little fuzzy, Some time to required to others’ views.
Hard to see others’ views, Lacking Precision.
Very foggy, Very difficult to get clear ideas or use this thinking.
Blind, you cannot see with this thinking at this point.

The ProAdvisorCoach Expert Series

Gain valuable insights and practical strategies from certified coaches with ProAdvisorCoach's Expert Series videos designed to empower you and your team with the knowledge and skills needed to power your growth.

Track, manage, and achieve exceptional results with ProAdvisorDrivers

Cultural Transformation

Vision Casting
Connection, Collaboration & Co-Creation
Leverage Strengths and Address Weaknesses
Sustainable Growth

Career & Life Transition

Life 360
Financial Stability
Work-Life Balance
More Time, Money & Fun

Leadership Development

Strategic Planning
Empowering Your Team
Coaching & Mentoring Best Practices
Effective Communication Development
Priority Management

Business Development

Revenue Growth
Lead Generation
Ideal Client Clarity
WOW Your Clients & Most Important Relationships
Favorable Introductions
Areas of Focus for Maximized Growth