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Have a Bigger Impact with Your Clients Through Clear and Measurable ROI, ROV, and ROR

Maximize your ROI, ROV, and ROR, and differentiate your Advising, Consulting & Coaching!

We measure the Return on Investment (ROI), Return on Value (ROV), and Return on Relationship (ROR) in the following ways:

Emotional Intelligence

We can mathematically measure and maximize thinking with MindScan

Lag, Lead, Lift

Lag is the harvest or end game results; Lead includes what we can do weekly / daily to give us the best chance for harvest, and Lift is what will give us an additional lift to have a bountiful harvest.

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (S.W.O.T.)

This is done as a team to brainstorm the full 360 of your organization

Gap Analysis

On-site one-on-one confidential deep dive

Sweet Spots

Aligning the intersection of your passion, purpose, and profit to create more time, money, and fun

Gamification “3-Second Rule”

Creating fun and competitive games that drive ownership, growth, focus, impact, and results; All players and teams know if they are winning or losing in 3 seconds or less

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Based on your goals, we help you create, set, monitor, and accelerate. KPIs are S.M.A.R.T. - Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic and Time-bound. Examples might be Net Income, Sales, Retention, Clients Acquisition, Favorable Introductions

Values - High-Performance Team Values

Establishes and measures the improvement of your team’s high-performance values

Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG)

Vision: A compelling vision that’s bigger than our past, pulling us into the future

Mission: Our rally cry bringing us boldly into the market to serve our ideal clients

Values: The core pillars that sustain and drive the culture

Virtual Momentum Action Plan (V-MAP)

This is your overall game plan. A one-page business plan that is easy to modify, read, and measure


Budget and forecast by leveraging best practices to articulate and comprehend your financials

C.O.A.C.H. Huddle

Establishing laser-focused communication with full transparency & honesty, resulting in a high performance culture

WOW Your Ideal Clients

A proven system to consistently WOW your ideal clients and build sustainable relational currency

Increase Favorable Introductions

A time-tested methodology to radically increase favorable introductions by six-fold

Clearly Articulate Your Ideal Clients

Through ProAdvisorDrivers WOW scoring system, clearly articulate, understand, and measure who your ideal clients are

Owners, Leaders, Managers, and Players having more Time, Money, and Fun

ProAdvisorCoach is a co-created, collaborative ecosystem for Advisors, Consultants & Coaches to leverage with executives, leaders, and high-performance teams to consistently win, have fun, and maximize potential. We are 100% scripted and 100% flexible, always keeping the people as our #1 priority over the system.